Phone Number 18004447171
Pekín, Clásicos de Corea y Capitales de Japón
Asia / Oceanía  ∙ 
18 days
Busan (Pusan) | Daegu | Busan (Pusan) | Daegu | Hiroshima | Shibukawa | Takasaki | Iwakuni | Jeonju | Kyoto | Kobe | Kotohira | Kusatsu (Gunma) | Matsumoto | Matsuyama | Koya | Nagano | Naruto | Nikko | Osaka | Tokyo | Beijing | Seoul | Shimonoseki | Suwon | Takamatsu | Tokyo | Tsumagoi
from $ 4197.00

Pekín, Clásicos de Corea y Capitales de Japón

Ferry Busan Shimonoseki, Shimonoseki, Iwakuni, Daegu, Haeinsa, Suwon, Jeonju, Seoul, Busan, Matsuyama, Takamatsu, Naruto, Kotohira, Kobe, Mount Koya, Kasatsu, Matsumoto, Nagano, Monkey Park, Itsukushima, Ikaho, Tsumago, Nikko, Hiroshima, Osaka, Beijing, Kyoto, Tokyo
Day 1 - Пекин

Day 1 - Пекин

Добро пожаловать в Китай! Трансфер в  отель.   

Вечером мы сможем впервые  познакомиться с этим впечатляющим городом. Включен трансфер на знаменитую улицу Ванфуцзин. Это оживленная  пешеходная и торговая артерия города с множеством магазинов и ресторанов. Ужин включен. Возвращение в отель.    
Day 2 - Пекин

Day 2 - Пекин

Сегодня мы посетим Императорский дворец, более известный  как «Запретный город», объект Всемирного  Наследия. Также мы познакомимся с парком Цзиншань, где  находится «Угольный холм», это один из наиболее хорошо сохранившихся императорских садов в Пекине. Поднимемся на холм, с вершины которого открывается прекраснейший вид на Запретный город (в ясный день). Поверьте, это стоит того! Продолжим  прогулку до одной из самых больших площадей в мире Тяньаньмэнь и увидим Большой национальный театр, оперный театр Пекина. Обед (включен в стоимость).

Во второй половине дня посетим Летний дворец, где находился сад  императорского дома династии Цин. Вечером прокатимся на трехколесных велосипедах по  старинным кварталам Пекина, которые называются хутун. Мы увидим, как живут их  обитатели, зайдем в магазинчики и даже заглянем в традиционный дом хутуна – сыхэюань с обязательным внутренним двориком. Возвращение в отель и размещение.        
Day 3 - Пекин

Day 3 - Пекин

Экскурсия по Великой китайской стене (участок Мутяньюй) – грандиозной  постройке, история которой насчитывает более 2000 лет. Включен фуникулер (подъем и спуск). Вернувшись в Пекин, мы заедем в арт-район  798, где современное искусство разместилось на территории старой военной  фабрики. Далее посетим Храм неба – самый  большой храмовый комплекс в Китае и одно из самых впечатляющих зданий в Пекине. Мы познакомимся с традиционной китайской медициной, которая на протяжении веков гласит: "здоровье ног определяет здоровье всего организма". Желающие смогут расслабиться, сделав массаж ног. Кроме того, для нас проведут занятие по  боевому искусству тайчи. Далее возвращение в отель и размещение. За ужином с пекинской уткой мы попрощаемся  с городом (ужин включен в стоимость).
Day 4 - Beijing -Seoul
Beijing -Seoul

Day 4 - Beijing -Seoul

After breakfast a transfer takes you to the airport to take your flight.

Welcome to Korea! Transfer to hotel in group transport. Meeting with your guide.

At the end of the afternoon, we are going to enter this fascinating country and with our guide we will go on the modern and efficient underground (we will be taught to use this public transport) to City Hall to see this building shaped like a tsunami. In front of the City Hall, we will also see the Deoksugung Palace, which is lit up at night and which allows us to appreciate the tradition and modernity of this country together. On foot, we will then go from here to the district of Myeongdong, the largest and busiest shopping area in Korea. Its name means “brilliant tunnel”. Dinner included in a local restaurant.
Day 5 - Seoul

Day 5 - Seoul

Today we include a tour of the city of Seoul lasting five hours. We will see Changdeokgung Palace. This is a World Heritage Site formed by a group of palaces inside a large park. After the visit, we will go to Bukchon Hanok Village, a traditional historical neighbourhood with tiny houses. Afterwards we will visit the War Memorial, an impressive war museum that tells of the different conflicts suffered by Korea during its history, particular the Korean War with the United Nations in which soldiers from many different countries took part. We continue to the Gangnam District, one of the busiest areas of the city, where there are numerous shopping and leisure centres. To finish, we stop at LOTTE WORLD TOWER, an impressive 550 m building where there will be time to climb the tower (entrance not included) or stroll in the park or around the luxury shopping centres. Lunch included in a local restaurant. Return to the centre and free time.
Day 6 - Seoul -Suwon -Jeonju
Seoul -Suwon -Jeonju

Day 6 - Seoul -Suwon -Jeonju

Today we include in Seoul the Gyeongbokgung Palace, an impressive palace that is 600 years old, where we will see the Changing of the Guard ceremony (if scheduled). Our next stop is the city of SUWON, former capital of Korea, a World Heritage Site famous for its walls Heritage of Mankind.
We will see the impressive wall with its fortifications and will visit Hwaseong Haenggung, the summer palace. Lunch included in a local restaurant. We continue to JEONJU, where we will see its fascinating old town (Hanok Village), with its tiny houses, traditional shops and art galleries.

Day 7 - Jeonju -Haeinsa -Daegu -Busan
Jeonju -Haeinsa -Daegu -Busan

Day 7 - Jeonju -Haeinsa -Daegu -Busan

Amidst impressive mountain forest scenery, we come to HAEINSA, a Buddhist temple built in the year 802 where we discover the Tripitaka, the most complete collection of Buddhist texts engraved on 80,000 blocks of wood. We will visit the temple and the museum on the Tripitaka. We go on to DAEGU where we see the market of traditional medicines with its different herbs, and especially ginseng, and the Museum of Oriental medicine. Lunch included. We come to BUSAN. We are in the second largest city in Korea, full of life. Time in the fantastic Doosan Haeundae complex with its more than 300 m skyscraper and its sports marina. Accommodation.
Day 8 - Busan -Ferry Busan -Shimonoseki
Busan -Ferry Busan -Shimonoseki

Day 8 - Busan -Ferry Busan -Shimonoseki

Day in BUSAN. We are going out to the city of Busan to visit HAEDONG YONGGUNG, 14th century Buddhist temple located by the sea. Return to Busan. We see the memorial to the United Nations with its cemetery were people from numerous countries are buried. We approach the largest fish market in the country, which is alongside Nampo port. Lunch included. Then we walk from there to Yongdusan park with its immense 120 m pagoda. Afternoon free. Night on a ferry, expected departure at 21.00hrs, crossing the sea of Japan in double cabins with bathroom.

Note: Due to the ferry´s limited capacity in double cabins, we will sometimes take a fast ferry leaving Busan at 15:00 hrs. and arriving in FUKUOKA at 18:30 hrs. (border crossing, free time in Fukuoka and hotel accommodation).
Day 9 - Ferry Busan-Shimonoseki -Shimonoseki -Iwakuni -Itsukushima -Hiroshima
Ferry Busan-Shimonoseki -Shimonoseki -Iwakuni -Itsukushima -Hiroshima

Day 9 - Ferry Busan-Shimonoseki -Shimonoseki -Iwakuni -Itsukushima -Hiroshima

We dock at the port of Shimonoseki at 08.00hrs (breakfast not included) and cross the border. We then depart for IWAKUNI, a small city where we will stop to admire the beautiful historic Kintai-Kyo Bridge. We then continue to Miyajimaguchi where we take a ferry to Miyajima, the island “where men and Gods live together in peace”, with its Itsukushima shrine dedicated to the guardian of the seas, built partly over the sea. Here we have time to visit the temple, stroll through its attractive centre and have lunch. Then we continue to HIROSHIMA, sadly famous as the site where the atomic bomb fell in 1945, which destroyed the whole city. We will visit the Peace Memorial Park, the Atomic bomb dome and the impressive Peace Memorial Museum. Dinner included.
Day 10 - Хиросима - Мацуяма
Хиросима - Мацуяма

Day 10 - Хиросима - Мацуяма

Сегодня мы отправимся на пароме на остров Сикоку. Приятная поездка на пароме будет познавательной: мы с Вами отчасти поймем Японию, страну, сформированную из многочисленных островов. В МАЦУЯМА мы поднимемся на фуникулере к его великолепному замку. После этого мы посетим Ишите-дзи, красивейший буддийский храм и место паломничества. Обед включен в местном ресторане. В конце дня включено посещение горячего источника Дого Онсен, традиционной японской бани, построенной в XIX веке.
Day 11 - Мацуяма - Котохира - Такамацу - Наруто - Кобе
Мацуяма - Котохира - Такамацу - Наруто - Кобе

Day 11 - Мацуяма - Котохира - Такамацу - Наруто - Кобе

Мы отправимся в КОТОХИРУ, синтоистское святилище, посвященное Богу моряков, место паломничества, построенное на горе Зосу, подъем на которую состоит из 785 ступеней. После этого в ТАКАМАЦУ мы посетим РИЦУРИН, один из самых великолепных садов Японии. Включен обед в местном ресторане. После этого в НАРУТО мы увидим впечатляющий мост, познакомимся с его конструкцией и увидим удивительное явление: водовороты Наруто. Наша поездка будет полна красивейших пейзажей, которыми мы сможем полюбоваться, пересекая огромные мосты, соединяющие острова. Прибытие в КОБЕ, размещение.
Day 12 - Kobe - Osaka - Mount Koya
Kobe - Osaka - Mount Koya

Day 12 - Kobe - Osaka - Mount Koya

In Kobe we visited the Earthquake Memorial Museum, a place to remind the tragic seism that devastated the city in 1995 and its perfect reconstruction. Note: On some dates, the Earthquake Museum may be changed for the Sake Museum or a climb up Kobe Tower. We go on to Osaka. We will depart from this city to visit, MOUNT KOYA, one of Japan’s sacred mountains and Japan’s main centre of Shingon Buddhism. There are 120 shrines and monasteries on this mountain which is a magical place of pilgrimage. We will visit Okuno Mausoleum, a spiritual place and an immense cemetery in the wilderness that has more than 200,000 graves. We will visit Kongobuji temple, built in 1593.

We will spend this night at a Buddhist monastery. The monks will offer us a Zen meditation session (Ajikan). Dinner included (vegetarian food). There is religious ceremony at the temple early in the morning if you wish to attend it.

Note: We consider the sojourn at the monastery as an experience of great existential value. The rooms at this place are modest, without bathrooms, in the traditional Japanese style with tatamis. Bathrooms are communal.
Day 13 - Mount Koya - Kyoto
Mount Koya - Kyoto

Day 13 - Mount Koya - Kyoto

Japanese breakfast at the temple. Then we leave early for KYOTO, to spend the whole day in the city, which was the capital of Japan between 794 and 1868 and home to the Imperial Court. During World War II the city was the only major Japanese to escape the bombardments, and so it still preserves its wealth of artistic heritage; the famous protocol restricting greenhouse gas emissions was signed in Kyoto in 1997.

The visit includes a trip to one of the most important parts of the city. We will see the marvellous Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari, the Imperial Palace and Kinkakuji temple, “the golden pavilion” and its wonderful gardens.

Free time before visiting GION, a busy traditional quarter famous for its Geisha. Free time.

Note: If you already visited Kyoto on your circuit, our guide will offer you information and advice on visiting the other parts of the city unaccompanied.
Day 14 - Kyoto - Tsumago - Matsumoto.-Nagano
Kyoto - Tsumago - Matsumoto.-Nagano

Day 14 - Kyoto - Tsumago - Matsumoto.-Nagano

We set out for TSUMAGO, passing attractive country scenery on our way. This small village with its wooden houses is one of the prettiest places in Japan. Free time to explore and lunch included. Then we continue to MATSUMOTO, a tourist city, where we will visit the impressive 16th century castle, known as the “Crow Castle”. Free time to explore this bustling tourist city. We continue to NAGANO, accommodation.
Day 15 - Nagano - Monkey Park - Kusatsu - Ikaho Onsen
Nagano - Monkey Park - Kusatsu - Ikaho Onsen

Day 15 - Nagano - Monkey Park - Kusatsu - Ikaho Onsen

In NAGANO we will see the Zenko-ji, a place of pilgrimage with the first Buddhist image in Japan. Our travellers will be included the Gomakuyo ceremony to bring luck. After this, we will travel to the beautiful Japanese Alps and in the mountains we will go to the JIGOKUDANI Monkey Park, where we will include lunch and stroll amidst its forests with its rivers and spa waters where colonies of Japanese macaques live and bathe. After this, very beautiful high mountain scenery (we go up to 2,172 metres), passing semi-active volcanoes. KUSATSU, an attractive spa town, its main square full of life. We will include attendance at a Yumomi show, with its actresses and singing telling us about the traditional method used to cool the spa waters. We follow this with a walk in the city park which has the open air Onsen. Then on to IKAHO, a picturesque spa town where we will stroll in its ancient centre with its staircase streets. We will stay at a RYOKAN, a Japanese style hotel where we will continue to enjoy its baths. Traditional Japanese dinner included.

NB: In the autumn, depending on the amount of fruit in the mountains, the movement of the monkeys is unpredictable. If the macaques do not come down to the park, it may be closed. The visit to Kusatsu and the Yumoni show are cancelled due to the weather from November to April.
Day 16 - Ikaho - Nikko - Tokyo
Ikaho - Nikko - Tokyo

Day 16 - Ikaho - Nikko - Tokyo

We continue on our way to NIKKO, and in this fantastic town we will visit the impressive Nikko-Toshogu Temple with its room with the sound of a dragon. We will also see the Taiyuinbyo mausoleum, an impressive place full of peace. After this a stroll by the river in Kanmangafuchi, Hundreds of Jizos watch us! We will have free time in the centre before leaving for TOKYO once more.- Arrival in Tokyo at around 18.30 in the evening.-
Day 17 - Tokyo

Day 17 - Tokyo

In the morning, we take part in a 5-hour trip with our guide to see this amazing city, with its hustle and bustle and extremely modern districts that coexist with quiet, peaceful areas. Brief stop at the Zojoji Temple to make a beautiful photograph of the Tokyo Tower. Pay attention to the hundred of Jizos, stone traditional protecting deities who guide us on our travels, give power to those who are weak (such children) and those in dangerous places, and who are dressed including hats, robes and windmills. Then we head to the junction of Shibuya, a junction that is said to be the most crowded in the world. The Meiji Temple is dedicated to the Emperor Meiji, his wife, and their spirits. We continue on our bus along the elegant street of Omotesando. We will edge the most beautiful part of the Imperial Palace and the gardens. Stop to visit the famous Nijubashi Bridge. We will pass through the district of Akihabara, the “electric town” with icons from the popular Japanese Manga and Anime culture and then see Kokugikan, the Sumo stadium, home of this Japanese sport. We will also visit the Buddhist temple of Sensoji, the oldest and most important temple in Tokyo, with its 55-metre high pagoda. Then we will have some free time to visit the traditional commercial street of Nakamise in the district of Asakusa. Lunch included in a local restaurant. Return to hotel.

18H30.- Meeting with guide. Late in the afternoon, we will pay a visit to this fascinating country by taking a trip on the metro (tickets included) to the Shinjuku district and see the crowds of people who use this modern and efficient collective transport system. Shinjuku is one of the most important nightlife districts. Dinner included and return to hotel by metro with our guide.

Day 18 -
After breakfast, end of our services.

Tour Includes

Общие услуги Europamundo: Автобусная экскурсия с испанским гидом, базовая страховка и завтрак «Шведский стол».
Трансфер по прибытии включен
Панорамная экскурсия в: ПЕКИН, Сеул, КИОТО, ТОКИО
Excursion: Triciclo por los barrios tradicionales, Gran Muralla China sector Mutianyu
5 Cenas Incluidos en: Pekin, Pekin, Hiroshima, Monte Koya, IKAHO
Traslado nocturno: Calle de Wangfujing, Barrio de Myeongdong , Barrio tradicional de Gion
Ferry: Busan Shimonoseki (ferry nocturno), Hiroshima- Miyajima , Hiroshima- Matsuyama
Funicular: Gran Muralla China, Castillo de Matsuyama
10 Обеды включены в: ПЕКИН, Сеул, Сувон, Тэгу, Пусан, МАЦУЯМА , ТАКАМАЦУ, ЦУМАГО-ДЗЮКУ, НАГАНО, ТОКИО
Vuelos incluidos: Pekin - Seúl
Park of the Monkeys: Visit to the Park of the macaques of Jigokudani.
Shimonoseki: One of the main fishing ports in the country.
IIwakuni, small town with its beautiful and historic Kintai-Kyo Bridge
Zenko-ji (Nagano), place of pilgrimage where the first Buddhist image of Japan is found.
Shimonoseki: One of the main fishing ports in the country.
Beijing: Jingshan Park
Park of the Monkeys: Visit to the Park of the macaques of Jigokudani.
Hiroshima: Peace Memorial  in tribute to the horror of the war
Beijing: Jingshan Park
Suwon: We visit the impressive wall with its fortifications and the Hwaseong Haenggung summer palace
Tokio: We will use the modern and efficient public transport
We passed through Kusatsu, an attractive thermal city

Planned Hotels

Crown Harbor
114 Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Busan, Corea del Sur
Busan, 48938 - South Korea
Ferry Busan Shimonoseki
Ferri Busan Shimonoseki, South Korea
Ferry Busan Fukuoka
Ferri Busan Shimonoseki, South Korea
Hilton Hiroshima
11-12 Fujimicho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0043, Japón
Hiroshima, 730-0043 - Japan
Kishigon Ryokan
48 Ikahomachi Ikaho, Shibukawa, Gunma Prefecture
Ikaho, 377-0102 - Japan
Hotel Moriaki Ryokan
60 Ikahomachi Ikaho, Shibukawa, Gunma Prefecture
Ikaho, 377-0102 - Japan
Best Western Plus Jeonju
41, Hyeonmu 1-gil, Wansan-gu Jeonju-Si,
Jeonju, South Korea
Miyako Kioto Hachijyo
Minami Ward, Nishikuho Inmachi, 1
Kioto, 6018412 - Japan
Kobe Meriken Park Oriental Hotel
650-0042 Hy333;go Prefecture, Kobe
Kobe, 650-0042 - Japan
Ana Crowne Plaza Matsuyama
3-2-1 Ichiban-Cho Matsuyama Ehime, Japón
Matsuyama, 790-8520 - Japan
Monasterio Hojoin
156 Koyasan, Ito-gun, Koya-cho,Wakayama Prefecture
Monte Koya, 648-0211 - Japan
Jal City Nagano
380-0834 Nagano, Nagano, Toigosyomachi 1221, Japón
Nagano, 380-0834 - Japan
Chisun Grand Nagano
Japón, 12306;380-0823 Nagano, Minamichitose, 2 Chome8722;17-1
Nagano, 380-0823 - Japan
Royal Nagano
1372-1 Matsushiromachi Nishiderao, Nagano, 381-1215, Japón
Nagano, 381-1215 - Japan
Tokio Rei Nagano
1 Chome-28-3 Minamichitose, Nagano, 380-0823, Japón
Nagano, 380-0823 - Japan
Metropolitan Nagano
1346 Minami-Ishido-Cho, Nagano Prefecture, Nagano 380-0824, Japan
Nagano, 380-0824 - Japan
Holiday Inn Express Osaka City Centre - Midosuji
4-1-12 Kitakyuhojimachi, Osaka, 541-0057 Japan
Osaka, 541-0057 - Japan
Grand Concordia
No. 26 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100016
Pekin, 100016 - China
Mercure Beijing Downtown
No.16 Jia,Xi Da Wang Road, Chaoyang, CP 100124,BEIJING
Pekin, 100124 - China
Mercure Ambassador Hongdae
Yanghwa-ro, 144 Mapo-gu, Seoul, Corea del Sur
Seul, 144 MAPO-GU - South Korea
Shinagawa Prince Hotel
10-30 Takanawa 4-chome, Minato-ku
Tokio, 108-8611 - Japan

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